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Debunking Common Misconceptions about Generative AI

Hitesh Umaletiya
Hitesh Umaletiya
June 25, 2024
Clock icon4 mins read
Calendar iconLast updated July 18, 2024
debukning gen ai myths
Quick Summary:-Generative AI offers a range of new possibilities, but it's important to understand both its potential and its limitations. In this article, we will debunk some misconceptions surrounding generative AI.

The arrival of super cool AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL-E has everyone talking. These tools are changing how we create stuff and are becoming a big part of our lives. But with all the excitement, there are also a lot of misunderstandings about what AI can really do.

Some people are scared of AI, thinking it's here to take over. Others see it as a super helpful tool that can change the world for the better. This confusion comes from not really knowing what AI can and can't do.

The truth is, AI is a powerful tool, but it's not here to steal our jobs or take over the world. It's actually here to help us. As AI gets more popular in our work and personal lives, it's important to talk about how to use it responsibly. This means making sure AI is developed in a fair way and thinking about how it will affect people and society.

In this blog, we'll debunk common misconceptions about AI's capabilities. We'll clear up the confusion and highlight how AI can be used for positive change. So, get ready to explore the incredible potential of AI without any fear.

Popular Myths Surrounding Generative AI Technology

Myth 1: Generative AI is always Infallible

Generative AI's capacity to produce content on demand is remarkable. However, a critical question arises: how trustworthy and accurate is its output?

Generative AI technology sifts through massive quantities of online data to respond to our prompts. While its algorithms excel at parsing existing text, they lack the ability to discern fact from fiction. This creates a substantial risk of generating inaccurate or misleading content.

Despite its impressive capabilities, relying solely on AI without human oversight can result in unverified and potentially deceptive outputs. These fabricated pieces of information are often referred to as "hallucinations" – essentially, AI inventing details based on patterns in its data.

To safeguard against misinformation, human validation remains indispensable. AI is a powerful instrument, but it should be treated as just that – an instrument, not an infallible source of truth.

Myth 2: Generative AI will replace human creativity

Generative AI possesses remarkable abilities. It learns at an astonishing pace, digesting vast amounts of information in mere seconds and producing content from simple prompts. Its capacity to create with minimal input and time raises questions about the nature of creativity itself.

However, the reality is more complex. AI excels at mimicking existing styles and generating content based on patterns found in its training data. It can be a valuable asset for producing variations on established themes or adhering to specific style guidelines.

Yet, AI currently lacks the intangible qualities that define human creativity. It doesn't possess the intuitive understanding, emotional depth, and raw originality that fuel our capacity to create something truly novel. Human creativity is a multifaceted process, drawing upon our social experiences, cultural influences, and a deep well of emotions – aspects that current AI struggles to replicate.

Ultimately, AI is a powerful tool for remixing and reimagining existing ideas, but it's not yet capable of replacing the spark of human ingenuity.

Myth 3: The bigger the AI models, The Better

Following the debut of OpenAI's ChatGPT, the focus has been on creating larger language models. GPT-2 had 1.5 billion parameters, GPT-3 had 175 billion, and a possible GPT-4 might have a trillion. Initially, generative AI prioritized bigger datasets, assuming that more data automatically leads to improved results.

However, recent research has challenged this assumption. New studies suggest that size alone does not guarantee better performance. In 2020, OpenAI's Kaplan et al. proposed "Kaplan's law," suggesting a positive relationship between model size and performance. But a recent paper from Deepmind Research explores this further. It argues that the amount of training data (the individual pieces of text given to the model) is equally important.

This paper introduces Chinchilla, a model with 70 billion parameters - much smaller than its predecessors. Yet, Chinchilla was trained on four times the amount of data. The results are notable – Chinchilla surpasses larger models in certain areas like common sense and closed book question answering benchmarks.

This research highlights a significant change in how generative AI is trained. It suggests that concentrating solely on model size may not be the most effective strategy. Finding the right balance between model architecture and the quality and quantity of training data seems to be crucial for realizing the full potential of generative AI.

Myth 4: A single LLM to rule them all

LLM is short for "Large Language Model." These are AI models trained on huge amounts of data, allowing them to understand and create text that sounds like a human wrote it. However, the idea that one LLM can do everything we need for language tasks is still not a reality.

It's important to know that using just one language model (LLM) isn't always the best choice. For example, different generative AI applications like Gemini and ChatGPT use different LLMs. Gemini's responses are designed for conversation, while ChatGPT's responses are more focused on providing information.

Different companies and industries have their own ways of communicating and specific needs. One LLM might not be able to match the exact writing style needed for a legal document compared to a marketing brochure.

Myth 5: Generative AI tools are free or have minimal cost

Generative AI models need regular maintenance, adjustments, and possibly retraining with updated information to maintain their effectiveness and prevent the creation of biased or incorrect results.

While some basic versions of tools like ChatGPT or Gemini are accessible at no cost or a lower price, accessing the full capabilities of these technologies typically involves a higher cost. For example, advanced versions such as GPT-4 necessitate a monthly subscription fee, often surpassing $20, and Microsoft's CoPilot further increases this expense to $30 per month.

Myth 6: Adopting Generative AI technology in business provides competitive edge

Generative AI is becoming increasingly popular in the business world, with major tech companies and various businesses adopting AI to enhance their efficiency and productivity.

It's crucial for business leaders to recognize that simply implementing AI doesn't automatically guarantee a competitive advantage. Businesses need to be creative in their AI strategies to effectively leverage them in achieving their goals. The methods and timing of AI usage are equally important, as misusing it can put you behind your competitors.

A recent study by BCG revealed that 90% of participants utilizing GPT-4 for creative tasks experienced a significant 40% improvement in performance compared to those who didn't. However, those using it for business problem-solving saw a 23% decline.

Business leaders should be mindful of the challenges associated with implementing generative AI. Utilizing AI for tasks that align with its strengths, such as generating creative content, can unlock substantial benefits. However, forcing it into areas where human judgment and reasoning are essential, like complex problem-solving, can have negative consequences.


Generative AI, while capable, is not perfect. It's important to understand that the accuracy of generative AI depends on the quality of the data it learns from. It's also important to remember that it's not designed to replace human creativity, but to help us be more creative and solve problems in new ways.

Even with its potential, there are ethical issues that need to be addressed. We need to think about privacy risks, how data is used, potential biases in the information it creates, and how to use AI-generated content responsibly.

The future of generative AI looks promising, but we need to approach it carefully. By understanding its benefits and limitations, we can make sure it helps everyone.


No, AI tools' accuracy depends on the data they are trained on. They can sometimes generate inaccurate or misleading content.

AI is a tool to enhance, not replace, human creativity. It can help generate ideas, but true originality still comes from humans.

Not necessarily. Research shows that the amount of training data is as important as model size for AI performance.

While some basic versions are free, accessing full capabilities often requires a subscription.

Hitesh Umaletiya

Hitesh Umaletiya

Co-founder of Brilworks. As technology futurists, we love helping startups turn their ideas into reality. Our expertise spans startups to SMEs, and we're dedicated to their success.

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