AWS in Healthcare

Transforming healthcare with AWS

AWS Use Cases  in Healthcare

Top AWS Use Cases in Healthcare

AWS, an on-demand cloud computing platform, started in 2006 and grew into the most popular cloud platform on the planet in two decades. Today, it has over 30% of the market share in cloud services, providing millions of businesses with unbeatable cloud infrastructure. 

As of now, it has over 300 services, the highest number of services compared to any other cloud service provider worldwide. You have very likely interacted with services or applications running on AWS infrastructure. A few examples are Facebook, Netflix, and Pinterest.  

But what does it mean to the healthcare industry? How the evolution and service of AWS impact the healthcare industry. In this article, we will look into the cases of AWS in healthcare. 

Cloud in Healthcareaws in healthcare sector

Cloud is growing but not as faster it should be in healthcare industry. Today, over 32 percent of healthcare organizations use some form of cloud computing. Though the adoption rate of cloud computing in healthcare is comparatively low, it has increased over the last few years. 

Cloud technology proves to be beneficial. It includes tools, services, and infrastructure to provide an environment for businesses that run complex programs and innovate more. 

Besides, cloud offers tons of benefits for healthcare, often unbeknownst to many healthcare professionals. 

However, healthcare comes under regulation, it requires different rules and regulations to develop services from pharmaceutical products to digital ones. 

But if you are pushing your limits in scaling your infrastructure, you should consider the AWS as an option.

This platform provides a highly scalable, robust, and secure environment so you can focus on your business activities without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

This platform is helping world-renowned companies innovate and store unimaginable data. 

Similar to other industries, it brings several benefits to the healthcare industry, which is why big names such as Roche, MERCK, Moderna, and millions of healthcare companies thrive on this platform. 

You may be wondering how it is leveraged in healthcare; well, then this article, is for you.

In this article, we will explore best use cases of AWS in healthcare. partner with Brilworks for AWS development

How AWS is Powering Modern Healthcare

1. Faster Imaging

Medical imaging involves several technology and tools to diagnose and treat medical condition. AWS powered imaging application provides faster image access and APIs for low-latency retrieval and purpose built storage. 

  • Enterprise imaging: Securely store and access all your medical images (X-rays, MRIs, etc.) in one place for easy viewing by doctors anywhere.
  • AI/ML development: Use powerful computing tools to develop new ways to analyze images and help doctors make diagnoses.
  • Multimodal analysis: Combine different types of data (images, lab results, etc.) for a more complete picture of a patient's health.
  • Long-term archival: Save medical images for a long time without worrying about running out of space.

2. Improving Efficiency

AWS can improve efficiencies for different departments in healthcare.Below are some of the list. AWS provides a secure, cloud-based storage for medical images and records, making all information accessbile from anywhere. Besides, powerful data analytics tool can help improve efficiency to great extent. 

  • Automated clinical summaries: Doctors can use voice recognition to create summaries of patient visits, saving them time and reducing errors.
  • Data storage and management: Store large amounts of healthcare data securely and access it from anywhere.
  • Data lakes: A central location for storing all your healthcare data, making it easier to analyze and find what you need.
  • Backup and restore data: Protect your valuable patient information in case of emergencies.

3. Accelerated Research and Innovation

AWS allow researches to handle massive datasets, run complex simulations, and develop cutting-edge applications by using AI-powered application on AWS. 

  • AWS HealthLake: Connect patient data from different sources to improve research and develop new treatments.
  • HealthOmics: Analyze large amounts of genetic data to personalize medicine for each patient.
  • Amazon Comprehend Medical: Use AI to quickly understand complex medical text, improving research and development of new drugs. 

4. Better Patient Care

With AI-powered chatbots such as Amazon Lex and Connect, business can develop a next-gen customer solutions, providing better service and quick response to customers. 

  • Amazon Lex & Amazon Connect: Create chatbots that answer patients' questions about appointments, medications, and more.
  • Amazon Polly: Convert text instructions from doctors into clear voice messages for patients.

AWS in Healthcare: Use Cases, Applications and Impact

exploring the use cases of aws

 #1. Streamlined Clinical Documentation with AWS HealthScribe 

Scenario: A doctor discusses a patient's case with a specialist during rounds. Traditionally, the doctor would need to manually document the key points later, taking time away from patient care.

Application: AWS HealthScribe can transcribe the conversation, identify speaker roles, and generate a preliminary clinical note highlighting the key points. The doctor can then review, edit, and finalize the note for the patient's chart.

Benefits: This reduces documentation burden for doctors, improves note accuracy, and allows for faster turnaround times.

#2. Faster Imaging with AWS HealthImaging

Scenario:  A large hospital is struggling to manage its ever-growing archive of medical images.  They need a secure and scalable solution for storing and accessing this data.

Application: AWS HealthImaging is a cloud-based medical image storage and retrieval solution. It allows hospitals to store their images in a secure and centralized location, and access them from anywhere with an internet connection.

Benefits: Hospitals can save up to 40% on costs by using AWS HealthImaging to store a single copy of each image in the cloud. They can also benefit from fast image access, automated infrastructure management, and the ability to develop AI/ML applications on their image data.

#3. Improve Quality of Care with HealthLake

Scenario: A large hospital system struggles to manage patient data from various sources, making it difficult to provide a holistic view of each patient's medical history.

Application: AWS HealthLake can be used to create a centralized repository for all patient data in a standardized format (FHIR). This allows healthcare providers to access a complete patient record and build applications like a Patient 360 view for a more comprehensive understanding of each patient's health.

Benefits: Healthcare providers can leverage HealthLake's analytics capabilities to identify gaps in care, predict health outcomes, and manage costs more effectively.

#4. Develop Targetted Therapies with HealthOmics

Scenario: A research team wants to understand the genetic and molecular basis of a rare disease. They need to securely analyze the DNA (genomics) and gene expression (transcriptomics) data of a large patient population.

Application: AWS HealthOmics allows them to securely store and analyze this omics data. They can combine it with patients' medical history to identify genetic variations associated with the disease.

Benefits: This enables researchers to develop more targeted therapies and improve patient care for this rare disease.

#5. Create an Hyper-personalized Healthcare Experience with AWS Sagemaker

Scenario: A large hospital network wants to predict patient readmissions to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes.

Application: Using Amazon SageMaker, the hospital can prepare, build, train, and deploy machine learning models that analyze historical patient data, such as demographics, treatment history, and medical conditions. With SageMaker JumpStart, the hospital can leverage pre-built healthcare cloud solutions to quickly deploy predictive models that identify patients at high risk of readmission.

Benefits: By predicting patient readmissions, the hospital can implement targeted interventions, such as personalized follow-up care and treatment plans, reducing readmission rates and improving patient care quality while lowering costs.

#6. Improve Claim Processing and Accuracy with Amazon Comprehend

Scenario: A health insurance company receives a flood of medical records daily, requiring manual review for claim processing. This is slow and error-prone.

Application: Amazon Comprehend Medical can automatically extract key information (diagnoses, procedures, medications) from unstructured documents like doctor's notes. This speeds up claim processing and reduces errors.

Benefits: Faster claim processing, lower costs, and improved accuracy for both insurance companies and patients.

#7 Round the Clock Support with Amazon Lex

Scenario: A patient calls a hospital to schedule a routine checkup. They can speak to a virtual assistant powered by Amazon Lex to find available appointment times and book one directly.

Application: Hospitals can leverage Amazon Lex to create a 24/7 virtual assistant that handles appointment scheduling, insurance inquiries, and answers to frequently asked questions, reducing call center load and wait times for patients.

Benefits: Improved patient experience with self-service options, reduced call center costs, and increased efficiency for hospital staff.

Top AWS Tools for Healthcare Development

top aws tools for healthcare development

1. Amazon Comprehend Medical

It can analyze clinical notes, radiology reports, and pathology slides to extract insights and identify trends. With Comprehend Medical, you can automatically categorize patient notes based on specific conditions. 

2. Amazon Transcribe Medical

It recognizes medical terminology and translates spoken doctor-patient interactions or dictation into high-fidelity text. This can improve efficiency by automating documentation and reducing time spent typing reports, allowing doctors to focus more on patient care. 

3. Amazon Rekognition Image and Video

In healthcare, it can be used for medical image analysis, such as identifying abnormalities in X-rays or mammograms. Hospitals can leverage Rekognition to assist radiologists in identifying potential issues in scans, leading to earlier diagnoses.

4. Amazon SageMaker

Healthcare organizations can use SageMaker to develop custom models for tasks like predicting patient readmission risk or identifying potential drug interactions. This allows for personalized patient care and improved healthcare outcomes. 

5. Amazon Kendra

This is a service that allows you to build intelligent search applications. In healthcare, Kendra can be used to create a central search platform for medical records, research papers, and other relevant information. This can empower doctors and researchers to find the information they need quickly and easily.

6. Amazon Athena

This is an interactive query service for analyzing data stored in Amazon S3. Healthcare institutions can leverage Athena to analyze large datasets of patient information, such as electronic health records, to gain insights into patient populations and identify trends.

7. Amazon QuickSight

This is a cloud-based business intelligence service for data visualization. Hospitals and clinics can use QuickSight to create reports and dashboards that track key performance indicators (KPIs), such as patient wait times and readmission rates. This data visualization allows for better decision-making and improved operational efficiency.

8. Amazon Kinesis

This service is designed for real-time data streaming. In healthcare, Kinesis can be used to collect and analyze data from medical devices, such as patient monitors or wearables. This real-time data can be used to monitor patient health remotely and trigger interventions when necessary.

Security and Compliance in AWS

As a healthcare service provider, protecting your patients' privacy is paramount.  Moving to the cloud can offer significant advantages in terms of scalability, efficiency, and innovation, but security and compliance concerns are valid reasons for hesitation.  This is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) comes in.

AWS prioritizes security and boasts a robust suite of features to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and  availability of your data.  Here's why AWS is a secure and compliant cloud platform for healthcare providers:

1. Shared Security Model

AWS operates under a shared security model, where they secure the underlying infrastructure, and you control the security of your data and applications. This empowers you to tailor security measures to your specific needs.

2. HIPAA Compliance

AWS offers a wide range of services designated as "HIPAA Eligible."  These services meet the rigorous security and privacy standards of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).  Additionally, AWS provides a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) outlining their responsibilities in protecting your patients' Protected Health Information (PHI).

3. Compliance Certifications

Beyond HIPAA, AWS holds numerous industry-relevant certifications, including HITRUST, GDPR, and others.  These certifications demonstrate AWS's commitment to data security and compliance with global regulations.

4. Advanced Security Features

AWS offers a vast array of security tools and features to safeguard your data.  Encryption at rest and in transit, access controls, and continuous monitoring are just a few examples.  You can leverage these features to build a secure and compliant cloud environment for your healthcare applications.

4. Focus on Patient Privacy

AWS understands the sensitivity of patient data.  Their platform empowers you to implement fine-grained access controls and audit trails to ensure only authorized personnel can access PHI.

6. Scalability and Agility

Security shouldn't come at the expense of innovation.  AWS's scalable infrastructure allows you to adapt your security posture as your needs evolve.  This agility is essential for healthcare providers who are constantly adopting new technologies.

7. Compliance is a Shared Responsibility

While AWS provides the tools and infrastructure, remember that compliance is ultimately your responsibility.  Working with AWS consulting partners who specialize in healthcare compliance can ensure you leverage AWS services securely and meet all relevant regulations.

How can you implement AWS in healthcare?

Compliance and Security

Implementing AWS in healthcare begins with ensuring compliance and security. All AWS services used must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and AWS provides a HIPAA Compliance Program to assist with meeting these regulatory requirements. Data must be encrypted both at rest and in transit using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and other encryption tools. Additionally, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) should be utilized to control access to AWS resources, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.

Data Storage and Management

For efficient data storage and management, Amazon S3 can be used to securely store large volumes of healthcare data, including medical images and patient records. Amazon RDS is suitable for managing structured data, while DynamoDB is ideal for handling unstructured data. These services facilitate efficient management of patient information and other critical healthcare data.

Compute Resources

AWS provides robust compute resources essential for running applications and performing analytics. Amazon EC2 offers virtual servers for healthcare applications and analytics, supporting compute-intensive tasks. AWS Lambda supports serverless architectures, which are beneficial for event-driven healthcare applications that require minimal management.

Data Analytics and Machine Learning

Data analytics and machine learning are integral to modern healthcare. Amazon Redshift offers data warehousing and analytics capabilities, enabling healthcare providers to perform complex queries and derive insights from large datasets. Amazon SageMaker allows for the development of machine learning models, which can be used for predictive analytics, disease detection, and personalized treatment plans.

Networking and Content Delivery

Effective networking and content delivery are crucial for seamless healthcare operations. Amazon VPC enables the creation of isolated networks within the AWS cloud, enhancing security and control over healthcare data. AWS Direct Connect establishes a dedicated network connection from healthcare premises to AWS, ensuring consistent network performance and increased bandwidth.

Interoperability and Integration

Achieving interoperability and integration is essential for efficient healthcare operations. AWS API Gateway and AWS AppSync can be used to create APIs that facilitate seamless data exchange between various healthcare systems. Supporting healthcare standards such as HL7 and FHIR ensures standardized data formats and interoperability.

Disaster Recovery and Backup

Disaster recovery and backup solutions are critical for maintaining data integrity and availability. AWS Backup provides automated data backup, ensuring that healthcare data remains intact and accessible in case of system failures. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) offers disaster recovery solutions, allowing for the quick restoration of healthcare applications and data in the event of a disaster.

Scalability and Cost Management

Scalability and cost management are addressed through AWS Auto Scaling, which automatically adjusts resources based on demand, ensuring that healthcare applications run smoothly during peak times. AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets help monitor and manage costs effectively, ensuring that the healthcare organization stays within its budget.

Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring

Telehealth and remote patient monitoring can be enhanced using AWS services. Amazon Chime provides secure video conferencing capabilities for telehealth services. AWS IoT services enable remote patient monitoring by connecting wearable devices and other health monitors, allowing for the real-time collection and analysis of patient data.

Advanced Technologies and AI

AWS supports the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence into healthcare. Amazon Comprehend Medical can extract insights from unstructured medical text, including clinical notes and patient records. AWS HealthLake aggregates, stores, and analyzes health data, facilitating better patient care and advanced health analytics.

Implementation Steps

The implementation process starts with assessment and planning, evaluating the existing IT infrastructure, compliance requirements, and specific needs of the healthcare organization. The next step is selecting the appropriate AWS services that meet the organization's needs and compliance standards. Developing a detailed migration strategy follows, including data migration, application migration, and network configuration.

Once the migration plan is executed by setting up AWS services, configuring security settings, and transferring data, thorough testing and validation ensure all systems function correctly and meet compliance standards. Finally, providing training for healthcare staff on using the new systems and ensuring ongoing support and maintenance completes the implementation process.

By following these structured steps and leveraging the appropriate AWS services, healthcare organizations can enhance their operations, improve patient care, and ensure the security and compliance of their data.

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Best Practices for AWS in Healthcare 

Implementing AWS in healthcare requires adhering to best practices to ensure compliance, security, efficiency, and scalability. Below are some essential best practices for successfully leveraging AWS in healthcare:

Compliance and Security

Ensure HIPAA Compliance: Utilize AWS's HIPAA Compliance Program and adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements to protect patient data.

Data Encryption: Encrypt data at rest and in transit using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and other encryption tools to safeguard sensitive information.

Identity and Access Management (IAM): Implement robust IAM policies to control access to AWS resources. Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) and least-privilege access principles to enhance security.

Regular Audits and Monitoring: Conduct regular security audits and continuous monitoring using AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and Amazon GuardDuty to detect and respond to threats promptly.

Data Storage and Management

  1. Use Amazon S3 for Storage: Store large volumes of healthcare data, including medical images and patient records, in Amazon S3 with appropriate access controls and encryption.
  2. Database Management: Choose the right database service for your needs—Amazon RDS for structured data and Amazon DynamoDB for unstructured data—ensuring scalability and reliability.
  3. Data Lifecycle Policies: Implement data lifecycle policies to manage data retention and deletion automatically, ensuring compliance and cost-efficiency.

Compute Resources

  1. Scalable Compute with EC2: Utilize Amazon EC2 to provide scalable compute resources for running healthcare applications, analytics, and other workloads.
  2. Serverless Architecture with Lambda: Employ AWS Lambda for event-driven applications, reducing infrastructure management overhead and scaling automatically based on demand.

Data Analytics and Machine Learning

  1. Data Warehousing with Redshift: Use Amazon Redshift for data warehousing and analytics to perform complex queries and derive actionable insights from large datasets.
  2. Machine Learning with SageMaker: Leverage Amazon SageMaker to build, train, and deploy machine learning models for predictive analytics, disease detection, and personalized treatment plans.

Networking and Content Delivery

  1. Secure Networking with VPC: Create isolated networks within the AWS cloud using Amazon VPC to enhance security and control over healthcare data.
  2. Consistent Performance with Direct Connect: Establish a dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS using AWS Direct Connect for consistent network performance and increased bandwidth.

Interoperability and Integration

  1. API Management: Use AWS API Gateway and AWS AppSync to create APIs that facilitate seamless data exchange between various healthcare systems, ensuring interoperability.
  2. Healthcare Standards: Implement support for healthcare standards like HL7 and FHIR to ensure standardized data formats and interoperability between systems.

Disaster Recovery and Backup

  1. Automated Backup: Utilize AWS Backup for automated and centralized backup of healthcare data, ensuring data integrity and availability.
  2. Disaster Recovery Solutions: Implement disaster recovery solutions with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) to quickly recover healthcare applications and data in case of an outage or disaster.

Scalability and Cost Management

  1. Auto Scaling: Use AWS Auto Scaling to automatically adjust resources based on demand, ensuring healthcare applications run smoothly during peak times.
  2. Cost Monitoring: Leverage AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets to monitor and manage costs effectively, ensuring that the healthcare organization stays within budget.

Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring

  1. Secure Telehealth Services: Implement Amazon Chime for secure and reliable video conferencing capabilities to support telehealth services.
  2. IoT for Health Monitoring: Use AWS IoT services to connect wearable devices and health monitors for real-time remote patient monitoring and data analysis.

Advanced Technologies and AI

  1. Natural Language Processing: Utilize Amazon Comprehend Medical to extract insights from unstructured medical text, such as clinical notes and patient records.
  2. Health Data Lake: Implement AWS HealthLake to aggregate, store, and analyze health data, facilitating better patient care and advanced health analytics.

By following these best practices, healthcare organizations can leverage AWS to enhance their operations, improve patient care, ensure data security and compliance, and efficiently manage costs.

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Amazon Web Services provides next-gen cutting-edge tools to develop and invent new products, and run complex simulations with a bunch of pre-built healthcare solutions and services. With over 200 services, it can significantly improve an organization’s overall operation and reduce costs. 


Yes, AWS offers a wide range of services that are HIPAA eligible. This means they meet the HIPAA Security Rule requirements for storing, processing, and transmitting protected health information (PHI). You can find a list of HIPAA eligible services on the AWS website. However, it's important to remember that achieving overall HIPAA compliance is your responsibility. AWS can be a valuable tool to help you meet those requirements.

AWS offers a robust security infrastructure that can help healthcare organizations safeguard sensitive patient data. Features like encryption at rest and in transit, access controls, and continuous monitoring can significantly enhance security compared to traditional on-premises IT infrastructure.

AWS provides scalable, secure storage solutions like Amazon S3 that can handle large medical image files. Additionally, services like AWS HealthLake can simplify managing and analyzing medical images. This allows for faster access, improved collaboration, and the potential for AI-powered diagnostics.

Absolutely. AWS offers secure, scalable storage and computing resources that can streamline clinical research data management. Services like Amazon Comprehend Medical can assist with tasks like extracting key information from clinical trial reports, accelerating the research process.

AWS provides the infrastructure needed to support secure, reliable telemedicine platforms. Services like Amazon Chime SDK can be integrated into your application to facilitate secure video conferencing between patients and healthcare providers.

AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing healthcare organizations to scale their cloud usage based on their needs. This can be more cost-effective than maintaining on-premises IT infrastructure, especially for smaller organizations.

Security and compliance are primary concerns when migrating healthcare data to the cloud. However, AWS offers a variety of tools and resources to help organizations navigate these challenges. Additionally, ensuring proper data migration procedures are in place is crucial for a smooth transition.

AWS provides a wealth of resources to help healthcare organizations get started, including documentation, tutorials, and case studies. They also offer free tier options for some services, allowing you to experiment before committing.

Yes, AWS has a dedicated healthcare team with expertise in industry regulations and best practices. They can provide guidance and support throughout your cloud adoption journey.


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